Evaluation and small project carrier kit for KRM-1Z7xxx Modules. Features USB, Ethernet, uSD, UART and expansion connectivity. Includes a universal AC to 12V power supply, uSD card with linux image and initialization files for all KRM-1Z7xx module types
KRC-1710 KIT
Product Description
The KRC1710 accepts all modules of the KRM-1Z7xx family and features the following:
- uSD card
- 4x USB host (attach keyboard, mouse W-LAN modules)
- Gigabit Ethernet Phy with Magjack
- 2x Uart to USB 1 PM, 1 MIO
- 2x 50-pin Ziff expansion ports for a wide range of expansion modules
- 24x PMOD compatible sockets
- 12V single supply
- Carrier PCB
- Universal AC to 12V DC Supply
- 8GB uSD card with pre-loaded boot.ini for all KRM-xZ7xx module types, u-boot and linux with pre-configured device tree and drivers
- Micro USB cable for serial console connectivity
Replaced by KRC1711